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Wee Talk

How to Avoid “Summer Slide” with your School Age Children

How to Avoid “Summer Slide” with your School Age Children

Are you wondering how to keep your children engaged and learning this summer? Don’t worry; you don’t have to run out and purchase workbooks to keep your children learning during the summer months. Learning can be easy and enjoyable during summer. Did you know that keeping your kids engaged in learning over the summer months can prevent the “summer slide”? …

The Importance of Outdoor Play

The Importance of Outdoor Play

Children learn much through their senses. Outside there are many different and wonderful things for them to see (animals, birds, and green leafy plants), to hear (the wind rustling through the leaves, a robin’s song), to smell (fragrant flowers and the rain-soaked ground), to touch (a fuzzy caterpillar or the bark of a tree), and even to taste (a raindrop…

Move and Groove with Your Kids – A 30-Day Challenge

Move and Groove with Your Kids – A 30-Day Challenge

Let’s get real – parenting can be exhausting!  There are days I’m sure we all feel like we have run a marathon but if you look back, we really haven’t moved that much.  Summer certainly makes it easier to focus on getting UP, getting OUT and MOVING more!  While it is nice to have more free time to spend together…

Summer Bucket List

Summer Bucket List

Summer has arrived; the weather is warmer; the days are longer; school age children will be home… which means parents may be searching for ways to keep them busy and entertained all summer long. Make the most of your summer with a “Summer Bucket List”. We’ve got a HUGE list of fun ideas to share with you to help you and…

Tips to Make Your Family Picnic a Success

Tips to Make Your Family Picnic a Success

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, there’s a gentle breeze and your family has no plans…pack up and go on a family picnic! Picnics are a great way to enjoy the outdoors with your family, and they don’t need to be planned out. In fact, it’s easy to have a last-minute adventure with your family—all you need is…