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Wee Talk

20 Questions to ask a Potential Daycare Provider

20 Questions to ask a Potential Daycare Provider

Choosing someone to care for your child when you return to work is one of the most challenging decisions to make.  Wondering what to ask when you meet a potential licensed home childcare Provider? Here are some questions that you can use in your interviews with potential Providers: How long have you been caring for children in your home? What…

Capture those Summer Memories

Capture those Summer Memories

Summer is a busy time of year, full of fun family outings, travelling, vacations, outdoor fun and BBQs with friends and family. So many memories are made, and it is so easy to snap photos and capture memories these days with smartphone cameras. All too often we take tons of photos and don’t really do anything with them. Why not…

5 Ways to Survive the Transition to Spring!

5 Ways to Survive the Transition to Spring!

From the mind of a Mom of four… Spring is a time of renewal and growth. But Spring can also be busy with kids because of the combination of school commitments, extracurricular activities, more outdoor play, and seasonal events.  As a mom of four, I know that surviving the transition to spring can be quite a juggling act, but with…

Benefits of Kids Participating in Neighborhood Clean-ups!

Benefits of Kids Participating in Neighborhood Clean-ups!

As part of Earth Day, many cities and towns organize neighbourhood clean-ups to mark the day. Over the years, environmental concerns are increasingly in the news and on the minds of people and fostering a sense of environmental stewardship in the next generation has never been more important. This Earth Day, many of our Wee Watch childcare providers and children…

Empowering Skilled Labour in the Water Science Field

Empowering Skilled Labour in the Water Science Field

As parents, we encourage our children to drink water and wash their hands multiple times a day. We all know the importance of staying hydrated and preventing the spread of germs through handwashing. The idea of not being able to access clean water has never crossed my mind, that is, until I found out that not everyone in Canada has…

Wee Watch Celebrating 40 Years!

Wee Watch Celebrating 40 Years!

As the daughter of the founders of Wee Watch, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing the growth and evolution of our family business firsthand. Now, as we celebrate our 40th anniversary, I find myself reflecting on the remarkable journey that has brought us to this milestone moment. Growing up, I viewed the passion and dedication my parents poured into every…