Halloween is a fun and exciting time for children and parents, but with all the excitement you may forget to think about all of the safety factors that should go into planning your Halloween. In order to have a fun night that everyone can enjoy, you should consider safety issues regarding costumes, decorations, trick or treating and the treats.
Halloween safety tips:
- Buy or make costumes out of brightly coloured material so they can be seen on the dark streets while out trick or treating.
- If costumes are a dark colour, consider adding reflective tape so motorists can spot children.
- Make sure costumes fit properly and are not too long or baggy. Make them a little bigger if warm clothes are required underneath.
- Consider using non-toxic paints instead of wearing masks as the mask may obstruct the child’s view.
- Make sure everyone wears proper fitting, comfy shoes and shoelaces are tied tight. This will avoid sore feet or tripping and falling in the dark.
- To avoid injuries, allow children to draw a face or design on the pumpkin and an adult can carve it out.
- Candles for jack-o-lanterns are a fire hazard so try using a small flashlight or a flameless battery operated candle.
- Make your property safe for children by removing any objects that may be a tripping hazard.
- Feed your children a nutritious meal to make sure they don’t get hungry and start snacking on their treats.
- Supervise young children and make sure older children travel in groups.
- Have children carry a flashlight so they can always see and be seen.
- Tell children to only visit homes with outside lights on.
- Tell children not to eat any treats until an adult has checked everything first.
- When you return home, check all of the treats your child has collected. Throw away anything that is not commercially wrapped, are loosely wrapped or are torn.