Nowadays parents are bombarded with a million different toy options for their children, but as new fads come and go, one toy has remained a staple in the childhoods of millions of kids worldwide – LEGO. It’s not a mystery why this simple toy has survived the test of time; Lego is colourful, it has interesting characters, and it engages children in a way few toys can.
The goal of all children’s toys should be to engage and stimulate their young minds, LEGO allows a child to be creative by giving them an infinite number of possibilities. When you watch children playing with Lego they are often problem-solving and playing make believe using their imagination at the same time.
LEGO also offers the chance for youngsters to learn valuable lessons about working together. Several children working together on a project will not only have to share, but also combine their creations to accomplish a greater goal. These are valuable teamwork lessons that will help them throughout their lives as they go to school and play sports.
LEGO is a wonderful addition to any play space and it is likely to capture the attention of any curious child for hours on end. Just make sure you are aware of the small pieces and the recommended ages.
Check out these 20 simple Lego building projects for beginners.
~Cheryl Fillion, Wee Watch Orleans Supervisor