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New to School

Wee Watch wants to help you prepare for the upcoming school year with this guide for first-time students, parents and Providers who will all be involved in the new experience.

Packing For the First Day
Getting your child prepared for the first day of school can be a difficult task. Think back to your first day of school, the feelings you had and the things you had with you in your bag. Aside from a lunch and snacks, there are some very important things to pack such as: notebooks, pencils, eraser and extra pair of shoes or clothes that may come in handy.

The First Day of School
The first day of school will have an element of the unknown for children who are new to school and for first-time parents. The start of the day may be an emotional one for both, but just remember that children will be learning, making new friends and engaging in play (indoor and outdoor) in a transformative setting.

Weather Appropriate Clothing
Since the school year for most starts in September, the weather will be a bit chillier. You will want to have your child dressed in weather appropriate clothing and provide them with an extra jacket or scarf just in case they need it. As the winter approaches, gloves, hats, scarves, boots and winter jackets will become essentials. In the winter, it would be helpful to provide your child with two pairs of shoes, boots and running shoes, so they have indoor/outdoor options.

Lunchtime and Recess
It’s always fun for children to enjoy delicious snacks and lunches. Need some recipe ideas? 30 days of lunchbox recipes: No Repeats

Please see our 7 classic books list for children of all ages.

End of the day – after school
At the end of the day, your child may want to talk with you about all the events of the day. Make sure to listen to their experiences and ask questions. As the week’s progress, your child may have homework (see Aug 15 Blog – Homework Helper) to be the best support you can. Your child may choose to become involved in after school activities as they grow, this can create a nice work to play balance within your child’s life. Extracurricular activities not only assist in physical development but it can really help to strengthen a child’s social skills.

Don’t forget to let your child know how proud you are of them, they will appreciate your encouragement. Good luck on the first day of school for children, parents and Providers who all play an important role in the learning process.