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Parents play the most important role in the overall development of their child. It is the right guidance of parents that develops the character of the child. Parenting is an ongoing job. It is not something you can get away from once the time comes, because children need their parents from time to time, to stay on the right track. The role of parents in child development is responsive, responsible, and never-ending. It governs responses, actions, thinking, and decision making of a child in the following areas.

  1. Cognitive Development. When children are growing up, positive parenting improves their cognitive, social, and problem-solving skills.
  2. Socio-Cultural Development. The child learns how to behave with others, playing to a common goal, team spirit, picking the right friends and a lot more.
  3. Physical Development. The right guidance from parents can inculcate in children a good regimen of exercise and diet to achieve ideal physical development. Parents should remember that children lead by example.
  4. Mental Development. Parenting styles help the child learn innovatively, accepting failures and overcoming them.
  5. Spiritual Development. Teaching your children to be more accepting and believing in the greater good can help them gain a sense of purpose.

Some Useful Parenting Tips to Make Your Child’s Growing Years Worthy

  1. Be Positive. Teach him how to be creative and how to solve problems with a positive attitude.
  2. Be Sensitive to Your Child’s Needs. Irrespective of how small your child’s needs are, understanding and fulfilling them is very important
  3. Be Emotionally Present. Show your child that he is loved all the time and that you are always there for him, no matter what.
  4. Communicate Effectively. Talk to the child and hear what he/she has to say before jumping to conclusions.
  5. Be Affectionate to All. Children pick up what they see/hear at home, so be aware of how you talk to everyone in the home.
  6. Set Routines for Play, Eating and Sleep. A good routine can help set good habits for the future.
  7. Make Family Outings a Part of Your Routine. Teach them the importance of spending quality time with family members.
  8. Talk to the Child Even When Tired. Talk to your child no matter how tired you are at the end of the day.
  9. Build Trust, Love and Fair-Play in Relationships. If you behave rationally with all the family members, then your children will learn the same and will end up loving and caring for all without discriminating.
  10. Assure Your Unconditional Love and Support. You must create an environment that motivates your child to participate, educate, and practice all the good habits you want them to inculcate.

 Source: First Cry Parenting