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The very first day of school for any child can be exciting and scary all at once. Add in emotions that you might be feeling as a parent, and it can get overwhelming! We have some great tips for the first day of school from parents that will help you prepare for this exciting milestone!

Packing For the First Day. Getting your child prepared for the first day of school can be a lot – some schools are great at providing a list of things for day 1 – for JK kids this may include an extra pair of shoes (indoor) or extra clothing, a lunch/snack, a spill-proof water bottle. Many schools will provide supplies that are needed like pencils and notebooks for kindergarten.

Prepping our child. Involve your child in selecting their ‘gear’ – like their lunch bag/box, their water bottle, their indoor shoes. This helps them to recognize them as well when they leave for the day!  Most schools will require you to label all their gear – order fun labels with their names and a symbol of their choosing (i.e. like a dog print, or character they like), this also helps those that can’t read their own names identify their stuff.  Involvement in the selection of items also builds excitement about going to school for the first time.  Let them also choose their first day of school outfit!  There are many great books to prep children as well, like “on the First day of Kindergarten”, or “Planet Kindergarten”.

The First Day of School – be strong! The first day of school will have an element of the unknown for children who are new to school and for first-time parents.  Prepping them for this day through reading books or visiting the school in advance of the first day are all strategies that remove some of the fear. The start of the day may be an emotional one for both but do you best to be positive and not cry.  You may need to leave them crying at the door…they will be fine!  The more you talk about how exciting school is in advance and tie it to other children (i.e. same school as your brother, or neighbor), the easier the transition will be. If they hear or see that you are anxious, they will be as well.

Lunchtime and Recess. It’s always fun for children to enjoy delicious snacks and lunches. Need some ideas? 30 days of lunchbox recipes: No Repeats

End of the day – after school. At the end of the day, your child may want to talk with you about all the events of the day. If they don’t – encourage them to tell you all about it and listen to their experiences and ask questions. If the first day of school didn’t go well, acknowledge their feelings, and set them up for success on day 2 by talking it out, giving them a ‘plan’ for how the day will go (i.e., I will drop you again, you will see Miss Smith and meet some new friends and then I will pick you up after).

Don’t forget to let your child know how proud you are of them; they will appreciate your encouragement. Good luck on the first day of school!