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All of us are drawn to the promise that technology will empower and simplify our lives, but increasingly we miss out on the important moments of our lives as we pass the hours with our noses buried in our devices, not only adults but children now as well.

If this sounds familiar, join people around the world and take the Unplug Challenge.

National Day of Unplugging gives you the opportunity to step back and rethink your relationship with technology and reconnect with the joys beyond the screen. From sundown Friday March 9th – sundown Saturday March 10th, put away your devices and spend some quality time together.

Here are some fun activities the whole family can enjoy together while making new memories.

1. Plan a Treasure Hunt. On your own, plant little dime-store jewels and treasures around the house or if the temperature is nice, outside in the yard. Then draw up a map with directions. (For an ancient look, let some coffee or tea soak into the map to brown it with age; while the paper is wet, rip it around the edges).

You can even hide the map somewhere in the house and let the kids find it while making the bed or putting away toys.

2. Get Cooking. Kids especially love making piecrusts, biscuits, and pizza, because they can squish the dough with their fingers. Watching yeasty dough rise and then punching it down is especially entertaining. You may be surprised to find most of the ingredients already in your cupboard.

3. Create a Dress-Up Box. Weed out unwanted dresses, hats, shoes, and costume jewellery from your closets. After your kids have picked out all the items they want for their costume box, donate the unwanted items. Old clothes can also spark memories for you, and conversations with your kids about how you came to have these items.

4. Take up a New Hobby. Learn a new skill with your child, such as painting, pottery, bowling or dance. Children find it affirming to see you struggling to master new skills, just as they are.

5. Be a Card Shark. Teach children a classic card game, such as gin rummy, hearts, or Uno. Adapt the rules for younger children.

6. Check out the Stars. Buy a star chart to get started. Then choose one spot in your yard or take a drive to a location that offers a clear view of the night sky, bundle up and venture out after dinner to watch how the night sky changes hour-to-hour and day-to-day. A little fresh air before bedtime can really help your kids get a better sleep too.

For more screen free family fun, check out this list “50 things to do as a family without technology”