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Wee Talk - Page 13

Fire Prevention Week – October 4-10, 2015

Fire Prevention Week is October 4-10, 2015. This year’s campaign “Hear the beep where you sleep” will educate people on the importance of having working smoke alarms outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home, it’s the law. Half of home fire deaths occur between 11pm and 7am, when most people are sleeping. Smoke alarms are a…

Is a Friend or a Relative Always the Best Choice?

Choosing the “best” child care for your child is probably one of the most difficult decisions a parent has to make. You may be overwhelmed with the variety of child care choices out there. When considering your options, you may think a friend or relative would be the best choice. A friend or relative may be beneficial, as someone you…

All Things fall!

The summer days have drifted away, the days are getting shorter and there is a chill in the air, that’s right fall is here. The first day of fall is next week, Wednesday September 23rd. Don’t let the change in season get you down; there are plenty of reasons to love fall and so many things to do. 12 family…

Kids Take Over The Kitchen – September 13th

Did you know Sunday September 13th is “Kids Take Over The Kitchen Day”? The idea is to empower kids and teens to be more involved in meal planning, preparation and cooking. The experience of working together and creating meals can help build their self-esteem, confidence and help lay the foundation for healthy eating. Children that help in the kitchen may…

How to Prepare Children for Day Care

As parents, many of us have to deal with a challenging transition period of switching our children from being at home to being in a day care environment.  When it was my turn to transition my children to the wonderful new world of day care (Wee Watch being my #1 choice), I thought of many ways to make the switch…

International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day is celebrated worldwide on September 8th. Did you know 1 in 5, that’s 776 million adults worldwide cant even write their own name or read a sentence in a book? International Literacy Day gives children and communities a chance to rediscover the joys of reading and writing while raising awareness for those without access to education. What…

Getting Back into your Daily Routine

I can’t believe summer is almost over, which marks the beginning of a new school year for some and getting back into daily routines and schedules. Parents and children have been enjoying the break from their usually busy schedule and have welcomed the more relaxed schedule of summer. Some people embrace the thought of getting back into a regular routine,…

Colouring isn’t Just For Kids Anymore

Who doesn’t love colouring? Have you ever had your little one come ask you to colour with them so you settle in and start colouring, only to realize moments later that they have stopped colouring and moved onto something else and you are still colouring away? Colouring is an activity from our childhood and is often associated with children. As…

Make and Capture Those Summer Memories

Summer is a busy time of year, full of fun family outings, travelling, vacations, outdoor fun and BBQ’s with friends and family. So many memories are made and it is so easy to snap photos and capture memories these days with smartphone cameras. All too often we take tons of photos and don’t really do anything with them. Why not…