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Wee Talk - Page 3

The Importance of Outdoor Play

The Importance of Outdoor Play

Children learn much through their senses. Outside there are many different and wonderful things for them to see (animals, birds, and green leafy plants), to hear (the wind rustling through the leaves, a robin’s song), to smell (fragrant flowers and the rain-soaked ground), to touch (a fuzzy caterpillar or the bark of a tree), and even to taste (a raindrop…

Move and Groove with Your Kids – A 30-Day Challenge

Move and Groove with Your Kids – A 30-Day Challenge

Let’s get real – parenting can be exhausting!  There are days I’m sure we all feel like we have run a marathon but if you look back, we really haven’t moved that much.  Summer certainly makes it easier to focus on getting UP, getting OUT and MOVING more!  While it is nice to have more free time to spend together…

Summer Bucket List

Summer Bucket List

Summer has arrived; the weather is warmer; the days are longer; school age children will be home… which means parents may be searching for ways to keep them busy and entertained all summer long. Make the most of your summer with a “Summer Bucket List”. We’ve got a HUGE list of fun ideas to share with you to help you and…

Role of Parents in Child Development

Role of Parents in Child Development

Parents play the most important role in the overall development of their child. It is the right guidance of parents that develops the character of the child. Parenting is an ongoing job. It is not something you can get away from once the time comes, because children need their parents from time to time, to stay on the right track. The role…



March 8th is International Women’s Day – a day to celebrate women and their strengths and achievements.   The day is also focused on breaking down barriers that continue to exist.  The strong, vibrant women of tomorrow are girls today and it’s never too early in a child’s development to think about our own biases (and how to overcome them) and…

Wee Watch: Our Ongoing Commitment

Wee Watch: Our Ongoing Commitment

During this unprecedented time, we want to assure our many parents and childcare Providers that our commitment to delivering only the highest standard of childcare has not changed.  In our 35 years of offering childcare, we have continued to evolve in terms of programming, regulatory, nutritional and safety requirements while always ensuring we meet or exceed any standard.  With the…

6 Tips for Raising Strong, Confident Girls

March 8th is International Women’s Day – a day for Canadians and many countries around the world to celebrate women and their strengths and achievements.   The day is also focused on breaking down barriers that continue to exist.  The strong, vibrant women of tomorrow are girls today and it’s never too early in a child’s development to think about our own…

How to Create Your Own Family STEM Game Night

Family game night has been a long-standing tradition in many homes. It’s a great way to bond and have fun as a family. But how about adding a little educational fun to the mix by exploring STEM together? STEM is the study of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, and has become widely popular in preschool and school curriculums as it…